Saturday, March 28, 2020

Your Guide to NMT Training

Your Guide to NMT TrainingOne of the areas that can be learned and strengthened through CNA training is the NMT (National Motor Therapy Association) in your area. There are several ways that you can help your learner to improve his/her life.The ability to change a person's ability to use a certain resource or skill is one of the areas where the NMT training will help the learner. You can also help the learner by helping them to identify the common errors that they make. This will help them develop an effective plan to avoid these mistakes.If you are a person who has recently completed your physical therapist certification, then you can visit the NMT online to get more information on how you can go about improving your learning abilities. One thing that you can do is visit the NMT website and look at the videos to see how the NMT can teach you. You can learn and benefit from watching these videos to help your learner to learn. There are several things that you can do to increase your confidence and focus.It will not take you long to go through this step process by yourself but it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional. This will also help you save money and time since you will not need to spend time at the hospital while you are undergoing physical therapy.It may also be a good idea for you to let your learner know what you need from them. For example, you may have a requirement that you want them to do in order to be considered a CNA. By giving them the requirement, they will be more likely to work with you as a team to make sure that you are successful.For more information about CNA training, you can consult the NMT website. They also offer a service that will help you find an NMT certified physical therapist.Remember that a quality CNA training program should help you to have a higher level of career success. This includes a greater chance of having better jobs and a higher level of income in the future.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Bad News For College Students Sugar Is Definitely Bad For You

Bad News For College Students Sugar Is Definitely Bad For You According to newly released historical documents, back in the 1960s, it’s suggested that the sugar industry paid scientists to downplay a certain link between sugar and heart disease, placing the blame instead on saturated fat. A researcher from the University of California in San Francisco uncovered these documents from the sugar industry and published them in JAMA Internal Medicine. And what these documents suggest is that over 50 years of research into nutrition and heart disease were shaped, on a large scale, by the sugar industry. So today’s dietary recommendations quite possibly hold no merit. According to Stanton Glantz, professor of medicine at UCSF (and an author of JAMA paper), “They were able to derail the discussion about sugar for decades.” Even worse? The Sugar Research Foundation (or the Sugar Association, as it’s known today), paid three Harvard scientists $50,000 (today’s money) to publish a review on sugar, fat and heart disease that minimized the link between sugar and heart disease and instead cast the blame on saturated fat. In other words, this article was falsified to hide the real harm sugar does to the body. And while this is a seemingly isolated incident back in 1967, this isn’t the only indication that the food industry has been influencing nutrition studies and recommendations. In fact, just last year the New York Times uncovered the fact that Coca-Cola gave millions to researchers to downplay the link between sugary drinks and obesity. And the Associated Press also recently reported that candy companies were funding studies that were showing kids that eat candy weigh less than those who don’t. Of course, now the scientists from Harvard involved in the sugar scandal are no longer alive and neither are the sugar executives responsible for paying them off. And the sugar industry has since responded to the JAMA report that called them out for funding studies that benefited them, but they claimed that the 1967 review came out at a time where the researchers weren’t required to disclose their funding sources. According to the Sugar Association, the industry “should have exercised greater transparency in all of its research activities.” But even in saying that, the association continued to defend the research in saying that it concluded sugar “does not have a unique role in heart disease.” So why is this important? Lying isn’t the worst part, it’s the way it has affected the population that is now a problem. Because of these studies, the general population believed that sugar was less harmful than saturated fats, so people began consuming low-fat, high sugar foods to control their fat intake. What this has done, as sugar is actually the culprit, is fueled a prevalent obesity crisis even further. According to Glantz, “it was a very smart thing the sugar industry did, because review papers, especially if you get them published in a very prominent journal, tend to shape the overall scientific discussion.” So essentially what happened is this research, that was manipulated for the sugar companies, influenced the government’s dietary recommendations, which in turn suggested to consumers that sugar wasn’t nearly as bad as it actually was. Instead of sugar, saturated fat was seen as a major cause of heart disease, and sugar was emphasized as nothing more than empty calories. And while recently saturated fat warnings still exist, the American Heart Associate, the World Health Organization and other health authorities have warned against added sugar in large amounts for cardiovascular risks. According to Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at NYU, there is “compelling evidence” that the sugar company funded this research “expressly to exonerate sugar as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease … I think it’s appalling. You just never see examples that are this blatant.” And according to Dr. Walter Willett, the chairman of the nutrition department at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, this is “why research should be supported by public funding rather than depending on industry funding. Given the data that we have today, we have shown the refined carbohydrates and especially sugar-sweetened beverages are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, but that the type of dietary fat is also very important.” Everything is documented through archives at Harvard as well as at the University of Illinois and other libraries. These archives are complete with statements from John Hickson, the top sugar industry executive, in which he says things such as “we can publish the data and refute our detractors” and, upon reading the review, “Let me assure you this is quite what we had in mind, and we look forward to its appearance in print.” Essentially, this looks very bad for the sugar industry. And it’s only a matter of time before the news spreads faster and there are bigger issues at hand. Moral of the story: don’t believe everything you read.

Booking a holiday don`t incur a fine by making your child miss school - Tutor Hunt Blog

Booking a holiday don`t incur a fine by making your child miss school Booking a holiday? don`t incur a fine by making your child miss school Booking a holiday? don`t incur a fine by making your child miss schoolSchoolsIn case you missed the news bulletin, spring officially began last Wednesday, on the 20th march. The long winter is finally over, and people are already talking about their holiday plans. The travel brochures are coming out, hotel guides are being perused, and conversations are turning to the summer. Perhaps a trip around Europe would be nice, or even a holiday in America, if we book a ticket now it won`t be too expensive. If you are a parent with a child at school, you should ensure you don`t make a booking that clashes with their term time. It`s actually against the law to make your child absent without permission from the school - and a holiday is not an acceptable reason to have them miss classes. Those parents who choose to break these regulations may face criminal charges, and will almost certainly be presented with a hefty fine when they return from their vacation. The number of fines issued to parents has been growing steadily over the last few years, as ever more parents choose to contravene regulations, and take their children on holiday during term time. The rise has indeed been precipitous, with the number of penalties actually doubling during just a single year. The Department for Education (DfE) has said that `Unauthorised family holiday absences` have risen by 93% to almost 223,000 between 2017 and 2018. You may recall a notorious case during 2015, where a father took his daughter on holiday to Disneyland during term time, and was actually convicted of failing to secure his child`s regular attendance. The father, Jon Platt, took his case all the way to the supreme court, eventually losing the legal battle in 2012, having to accept a 12-month conditional discharge and a fine of 2,000. At the moment councils are empowered to fine parents 60 for each child taken out of school without proper permission. If payment isn`t received within 21 days the fine rises to 120; and if after 28 days no action has been taken the parents can expect prosecution. Many people have decried the overly authoritarian steps taken by schools and councils, protesting that they have a right to enjoy holidays with their children, and that trips abroad offer their own kind of education. An understandable complaint regards the price increase slapped on by airlines and hotels during the holiday period - which means many parents simply can`t afford to go abroad during the summer, Easter or Christmas breaks. During the 2017-18 academic year there were 260,877 penalty notices issued by the council for unauthorised absences from school. These certainly aren`t small numbers, exceeding as they do a quarter of a million; and it would be distressing to think that hundreds of thousands of children are missing out on weeks of their education. I suspect that the penalty notices concern only a few days, perhaps at the start or end of a school term - but the fact remains that these schoolchildren are missing out on important lesson time. Out of all the penalty notices issues During 2017-18 there were 19,518 prosecutions, so around 7.5% of parents or guardians refused to initially pay the fine. This figure is up sharply from 13,324 only the year before, where 5.0% refused to make payment. The Campaign for Real Education has expressed the view that fines should only be used as a `last resort`. It maintains the policy though that it`s irresponsible and damaging to a child`s education for them to miss out on schooldays to go on holiday. Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education and a retired head teacher, said making a child miss lessons simply to go on a `cheap holiday` was a `remarkably selfish action`, that could well have a lasting detrimental effect on their education. One wonders how he determined that parents committing these `selfish` acts always choose low budget holidays - but he went on to say: `Teachers are distracted from their regular teaching by having to help the absentees to catch up,` and added that term time holidays were mostly `for the benefit of the parents, rather than the children`. Of course even just missing a single lesson can be a huge impact for a child, one they may struggle to catch up on - but it would be a shame if many children lost the opportunity to travel with their families. Travelling abroad brings its own kind of education, especially for a child. Being in amongst the hustle and bustle of another country, another culture, can bestow a learning and knowledge that cannot be found in the classroom. 11 months ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How does Kumon help prepare students to become successful standardized test-takers

How does Kumon help prepare students to become successful standardized test-takers How does Kumon help prepare students to become successful standardized test-takers? To be successful on standardized tests, students must possess effective test-taking strategies. Through long-term study, Kumon students build a strong academic foundation in mental calculation, critical thinking, and reading ability, while developing these important test-taking strategies and skills: Follow instructions and read questions carefully. Reading the instructions and questions carefully is a simple, yet important, test-taking strategy. A typical issue on standardized tests is that children do not follow the directions because they are not accustomed to interpreting them. Kumon students routinely practice reading the directions and examining the questions on their own.   Manage time wisely. When children do not know how to manage their time well, they can spend their time inefficiently on difficult items and may struggle to finish the test. Kumon students learn how to manage time wisely by fitting Kumon into their schedule. In addition, students learn to solve quickly through timing their daily assignments. On test day, they tend to solve quickly, which can give them extra time on a test to verify their answers. Demonstrate stamina in concentration. Through the Kumon program, students improve their concentration ability and develop the stamina to focus continuously. Standardized tests typically run all day, and concentrating for hours is challenging for many children. When there is no “gas left in the tank”, children are unable to concentrate for hours, thus possibly leading to a poor result, even if they are adept with the content. Have confidence and feel relaxed. On test day, it’s very important for children to feel relaxed and confident. From the beginning of Kumon study, students develop confidence in their abilities and a positive attitude towards studying. Students who are comfortable with being timed have an advantage over those for whom a timed standardized test creates anxiety. As students complete their daily worksheets, or their Achievement Tests, Kumon can cultivate a greater awareness of their speed, and can reduce anxiety surrounding timed tests. You might also be interested in: 5 Easy Tips to Prepare for Standardized Testing Season Three Tips for Easing Test Anxiety The SAT, Redesigned These Kumon Instructor Brothers Will Do Whatever It Takes To Motivate Their Students How does Kumon help prepare students to become successful standardized test-takers How does Kumon help prepare students to become successful standardized test-takers? To be successful on standardized tests, students must possess effective test-taking strategies. Through long-term study, Kumon students build a strong academic foundation in mental calculation, critical thinking, and reading ability, while developing these important test-taking strategies and skills: Follow instructions and read questions carefully. Reading the instructions and questions carefully is a simple, yet important, test-taking strategy. A typical issue on standardized tests is that children do not follow the directions because they are not accustomed to interpreting them. Kumon students routinely practice reading the directions and examining the questions on their own.   Manage time wisely. When children do not know how to manage their time well, they can spend their time inefficiently on difficult items and may struggle to finish the test. Kumon students learn how to manage time wisely by fitting Kumon into their schedule. In addition, students learn to solve quickly through timing their daily assignments. On test day, they tend to solve quickly, which can give them extra time on a test to verify their answers. Demonstrate stamina in concentration. Through the Kumon program, students improve their concentration ability and develop the stamina to focus continuously. Standardized tests typically run all day, and concentrating for hours is challenging for many children. When there is no “gas left in the tank”, children are unable to concentrate for hours, thus possibly leading to a poor result, even if they are adept with the content. Have confidence and feel relaxed. On test day, it’s very important for children to feel relaxed and confident. From the beginning of Kumon study, students develop confidence in their abilities and a positive attitude towards studying. Students who are comfortable with being timed have an advantage over those for whom a timed standardized test creates anxiety. As students complete their daily worksheets, or their Achievement Tests, Kumon can cultivate a greater awareness of their speed, and can reduce anxiety surrounding timed tests. You might also be interested in: 5 Easy Tips to Prepare for Standardized Testing Season Three Tips for Easing Test Anxiety The SAT, Redesigned These Kumon Instructor Brothers Will Do Whatever It Takes To Motivate Their Students

Writing Exams - How To Avoid Fallacy Times!

Writing Exams - How To Avoid Fallacy Times!During the first semester, students of Cal State College of Liberal Arts (CSULA) had to decide whether they were going to work hard or work smarter. Some students worried that if they studied and did homework well, their grades would go up. They decided that it was a good idea to keep studying and did not pay much attention to their grades. I found this to be a very unfortunate situation for students as the grades in the class increased rapidly and students lost confidence.This same situation happened during the first semester of the semester, when students and professors lost confidence in each other. When your instructor is not able to give you the correct answers to your assignments, then your grades will suffer. If you study harder and get a better grade in your final exam, then you can be sure that your grades will increase.To address this problem, I suggested that students write down what kind of grade they expected. Then students shou ld remind themselves of their expectations and make their goals more realistic.Before the second semester began, students should have written down what they expected to get. Students should ask themselves 'What do I really want out of the class?' If they find out that they are more interested in getting a B or even an A, then they should change their goal to getting a great grade. If they change their goal from a good grade to a great grade, then students may be more motivated.Students should also take an inventory of all the tutors they have seen. Students should know how much time they have spent with the tutor and should consider their attitude. For example, students who work hard might find out that their time with the tutor is so short that they feel rushed to finish the work before the end of the class.When the semester ends, students should analyze why they felt so overwhelmed by their instructor during the first semester. Students should identify the negative feedback they r eceived and reflect on why they had become such a bad student. Students should make a list of all the courses that they missed because of the first semester. Once they have done this, they should start working to work on those classes.After this semester, students should consider the classes that they did finish during the first semester, which should not have been a problem, as the topics were not important to the curriculum. Remember that the instructor's opinion matters less than your own. If you have strong opinions about something, you should voice them, but do not rely on them to determine your class participation. The professors have the authority to give you the grade you deserve, and you do not need to listen to anyone else's opinions if you do not agree with them.

How To Become A Tutor Online

How To Become A Tutor OnlineThere are many ways to go about learning how to become a tutor, and this is not always the case with what the conventional education system will tell you. This can range from enrolling at an actual school or college that has programs available or taking a person who is already employed. The education systems are moving with the times in many different ways, and now it is all up to you to go after whatever you want in this world.If you are like most of the everyday person, you do not have much time for college as well as extra classes. These types of things do not fit into your life. If you are more on the very far side of college time, getting an online education has many advantages. By enrolling in a program or having some sort of online education, you will have access to a world that is not going to be there when you are in your class.One of the biggest reasons that people take up learning how to become a tutor is because they cannot afford it or have no t been trained in what they are doing. If you are willing to study, then these things are absolutely not going to keep you from the task at hand. People who do not have the patience to sit in a classroom for hours are the ones who find themselves in most of the online education programs.For those who are taking advantage of the online learning, there are ways that are being given to the students to make their classes a little easier. What this does is to create a better learning environment for the students. As long as the classes are of a certain level, they will know when to stop for breaks, and they will know where to stop. By creating an environment that is conducive to learning, all of the students can benefit from the experience.Learning how to become a tutor should always be looked at as a benefit to one's study habits. A lot of people will tend to stick with a traditional education in the sense that they continue to study, whether or not they learn anything. They will just s tick with it because it is what is done in the education system. It is nothing wrong with the traditional educational system if it is the only way that they can achieve a high school diploma.With online classes, there is a different type of learning, and it helps that the education system has allowed for it. Those who choose to put in the effort in this type of education will see that it really is much different than what the traditional schooling system would have them put into. There are those who learn differently with online classes than those who attend a traditional school. This may sound strange, but there are those who have studied in both of these systems. Some of them have become very successful in both, and they are truly being given a new way to learn.Learning how to become a tutor has advantages to many different people. Those who use it to teach others will see that their knowledge and their abilities grow exponentially. Others will feel that they have a new attitude a nd way of thinking. Either way, it is up to each individual to decide what is best for him.

How Much Do Dutch Lessons Cost

How Much Do Dutch Lessons Cost Is Learning Dutch Expensive? ChaptersSoftware PackagesRosetta StoneDuolingoBabbelInstructor-lead LearningGroup LessonsOnline ClassesImmersive Language LearningPrivate TutoringIf you’ve decided to learn a foreign language, there are a number of helpful resources available. Many people want to know the  best way to learn a new language, but this can be subjective based on a number of criteria.While learning any new skill requires a time commitment, learning a new language is an investment.Cost is a really  important factor in selecting a language program. There are many different ways to learn a language and you can spend a lot of money or none at all.Here is a look at the benefits and the costs of some of the most popular language-learning methods so you can make the best decision based on your budget.While language lessons do require a certain level of commitment, you can find an instructor that fits your price range and your schedule. A language tutor can offer real-time feedback, and adjust the pace of the l essons to accommodate the student.Even if there are not be many language teachers in your area, you can take online lessons and connect with a teacher using platforms like Skype.If you want to learn a foreign language, there are a number of methods to choose from and several things to consider. In some cases, a combination of learning tools, like lessons and a software program for example, may be the best approach.